Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Welcome to my PMA blog!

Hello, I'm Charlie.

Welcome to my PMA blog! I will be sharing with you many positive affirmations- which I try to use on a daily basis- as well as techniques and strategies that I find useful to help me relax and unwind. Before I start, I wanted to share with you a little bit about myself and why I decided to create this 'PMA' blog.

From a young age I competed in many sporting events and also took part in music concerts aswel as taking practical examinations. When I was Seven, whilst on the way to my Grade 1 piano exam, I remember experiencing a strange feeling in my tummy. I mentioned this to my dad and he told me I had 'butterflies' because I was nervous. And so begun the start of this regular feeling everytime I partook in some kind of competitive sporting or musical event. Alongside my 'butterflies' I also started experiencing something else; 'Negative self-talk'. This included phrases such as 'you're not good enough', 'everyone else will be better than you', and 'you won't be able to do it'.

I was very aware of this 'Negative self-talk' throughout my school years and the one phrase that kept me going time and time again was; 'Postive, Mental, Attitude' (which my dad had taught me before my first cross-country race)! I shared this phrase as much as I could with my friends and gained a reputation for being very positive.

However, just like you I still suffer from 'Negative self-talk', and there are times where I doubt myself and spend too much energy comparing myself to others. Over the years i've tried to digest the wise words of inspirational people like Thich Nhat Hanh, Deepak Chopra, Dale Carnegie and Susan Jeffers but there are still times where I have the tendency to listen to my 'Negative self-talk' voice. I'm only human right? But I truly believe that with practice we can all calm this 'Negative voice'. Realistically, I don't think it will ever go away completely but we can learn to be aware of it and learn how to mute it and not let it take control of us.