Saturday, 25 June 2016

What Do You Do When Things Don't Go Your Way?

There are two options here:

1-You dwell on the negatives, which can result in self-pity or at worse, cause you to give up!


2-You draw on something positive and pick yourself up. In this case, you can start exploring ways to move forward.

We all face difficult situations in life but it is ultimately up to us to decide how we want to react to them. So if it’s a job you didn’t get, a trophy you didn’t win, or an argument you lost, pick yourself up and don’t waste another moment trapped in the cycle of negativity.

I’m sure some of you might be thinking but how do I do that? Well a great starting point is to make a list of all the things you are grateful for in your life. This might be for the comfortable bed you slept in, or for the neighbour who said good morning to you. Often it is the little things that go unnoticed that we forget to acknowledge.

I’d like to leave you with a quote by Robert Collier which I believe sums up today’s blog post:

‘All power is from within and therefore under our control’.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Charlie's 5 Motivational Tips...

As a self-employed Musician I enjoy being my own boss and not having to report to anyone. There are many benefits to this lifestyle, and I feel very grateful to be in this position. I'm also very fortunate that I find it easy to motivate myself but I know it's not easy for everyone so in today's blog post, I wanted to share with you 5 strategies I use for staying motivated:

1-Be thankful: 

Start your working day with gratitude! Although you may not feel like it first thing on a Monday, remind yourself of all the wonderful things you have in your life. Believe it or not many people would love to be doing what you're doing!

2-Pat yourself on the back:

Too often, we rely on others to compliment us, to say well done or well tried but when was the last time you told yourself that? Whether I have a productive day or not, I always try and say something positive to myself and yes that really does involve patting myself on the back!

3-Set clear goals:

I love setting myself goals, it not only gives me something to focus on but it’s another excuse to pat myself on the back! It’s important to remember that even if you don’t achieve a particular goal, at least you tried! How amazing is that? You didn’t succumb to the fear of not reaching your goal.

4-If it's not working, move on:

When you find yourself struggling to work through something, it’s not necessarily a good idea to push through, indeed by doing so, you may end up procrastinating. But by stepping aside from that task-even momentarily-it allows you to recharge your batteries and return with fresh eyes.

5-Immerse yourself fully:

We all have those days where we can’t be bothered to do something and inevitably we can switch off. But what happens if you stay switched on even during something you don’t want to be doing? Well it takes a lot of energy for sure, but it makes for a much more worth while experience. You can even start to feel enjoyment and you’ll most probably be happier for it. At the end of the day anything you do in life is what you make it!